I've been wanting to do this for some time now but have been scatterbrained and busy. But here I am and here I go.
I'm here for a couple of reasons and the biggest one is a need to create an outlet that will allow me to talk and show my arty bits and pieces. I'm also here because of one person and she is Suzi Blu. I followed Suzi Blu from YouTube where she posted videos of herself creating art along with inspirational messages like, "you are worthy". I followed her quirky videos for a while before joining her ning site - since then I've joined other art sites on ning and have found a huge well of inspiration.
To clarify it's not like I haven't been creating art ever it's more like gaining ones confidence to take it seriously and continuing to do what I love to do. It's like being granted permission to have a flight of fancy and in doing so somehow you end up loving yourself more for it - which makes me love the world more.
I made a series of 16 tags for an art swap on Nancy's Art Dolls. I call them "real life dolls".
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