Saturday, June 6, 2009


It has been days since I posted here. I'm lacking inspiration I'm afraid. It has been rainy and dreary and cold and all I want to do is bundle up and stay inside. We have had a few sunny days but they are far and few between and I am beginning to think my inspiration coincides with the weather broadcast . Cold rainy no inspiration vs. sunny warm no problem! Why? Seasonal affected disorder - I don't think so - it's spring time or maybe it isn't because it has been so cold and rainy here one would think this is spring in Alaska.

Anyway I did make a new card with no image on it which was easy-sneasy but the most progress I made was taking pictures of my little works of art. I didn't post words but I was busy snapping pictures with the digital in search of the perfect picture - and I think I did it. Take a look at my new ATC pictures - I'm in love with them all over again. I would say that it took a couple of hours to get it right this time. I'm happy I persisted.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Welcome to the blogger's world. Your blog is looking very pretty!
